Monday 22 April 2013

BIG TALK - Horrid Henry

During the past two weeks we have read a selection of short stories about a boy named Horrid Henry and his brother Perfect Peter. We have met a whole host of characters including: Moody Margaret, Boudica Battleaxe, Rude Ralph, Greedy Graham, Sour Susan and Vomiting Vera to name but a few!

This week in Big Writing, the children will be writing a play script that will include some of the characters that they have become familiar with.

For BIG TALK homework, watch the short clip from a cartoon episode of Horrid Henry below:

With somebody at home discuss:

  • Horrid Henry's character - use some adjectives to describe him. 
  • Perfect Peter's character - again using interesting adjectives.
  • Compare the brothers. Why do you think they behave the way they do?
This will help you to better understand and describe your characters when writing your play script tomorrow. Good luck!

Wednesday 30 January 2013


The past few days we have concentrated on information texts about India. Each member of 4G has chosen a different aspect of life in India, ranging from food to festivals, and has started to develop an Information Webpage on their chosen topic.

Your BIG Talk homework is to show your unfinished webpage to someone at home and talk to them about your topic. Explain what you have found out and what more you would like to include. Also explain the different features of information texts and where you have used them on your webpage. Remember that your webpage is a work in progress and you can still edit and improve what you have produced!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Information Texts

We have just begun a new unit on Information Texts. Can you identify some of the features of information texts? Look at this example taken from an information book on India for some ideas to start with.

We also discussed the best way of searching for the information you need in a book. How do the Contents and Index pages help us?

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Big Writing Star - Explanation Texts

 ‘Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?’ 

Explained for Beginners!

By Felipe Izurieta

How to Play

Interesting Facts

Friday 7 December 2012

We are BIG Writing!

We have spent the past two weeks learning about Explanation Texts. Today was the BIG Write! We used flow diagrams to plan and we are making sure that we meet all our targets. Well done 4G!

Sunday 2 December 2012

BIG TALK - Explanations!

Over the last two weeks we have been looking at different game shows and explaining how to play them. We realized that to give a good, clear explanation, you need to mention all the small details! Explain to an adult IN DETAIL what a contestant must do to compete in one of these shows.

Just for fun!

Can you explain...

Why do you wipe your feet before you 
come into the house?

Why do you use a knife and fork to eat?

Why are dictionaries in alphabetical order?

Why are there pictures in children’s books?

Why do you go to school?