Thursday 15 November 2012

Big Writing Star - Stories Presenting Dilemmas!

Do The Right Thing!
By Maria Laura

There was once a boy named James. He had a crooked nose and a smile that was too big for his face, for that reason James didn't have many friends. He did however have one true blue friend called Josh. The story begins in the ICT room. They were both in there alone because a teacher had given them permission to work there during lunchtime.

Before very long, Josh left the ICT room for a moment to go to the bathroom. Unfortunately, he came back with another friend. It wasn't unusual for Josh to have brought another friend back, after all he was one of the coolest boys in school and people followed him everywhere. Now, let me tell you about this other friend. His name was Thomas and James felt that Josh was making a huge mistake bringing him there because Thomas often made fun of James.

Thomas' reaction to seeing James there was to send a rude and mean e-mail about James to the whole school! A moment later, Josh read this terrible message. Josh felt really confused and didn't know what to do. Should he defend his friend James and get into a fight with Thomas or should he keep quiet and pretend that he had never opened that awful e-mail. They were both his friends...

Finally, he decided he was going to take the hard path but he knew that it was the right one. He was going to defend James because making fun of somebody wasn't kind and it was a very silly and horrible thing to do.

Josh stood up to Thomas and told him he was a cyber bully. He told him it was wrong and that if he had the chance to know Thomas a bit more, he would realise that James was a kind, good and caring friend. After all, appearance is not important but being a real and true person is!

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